How To Become A Successful Makeup Artist In India?

The reason you are reading this article can be only two if not then we will highly recommend you to skip this article and don’t waste your precious time.

  1. You are a makeup artist and not getting enough business
  2. You want to become a makeup artist and want to know if it’s a safe choice.

I can summarize the problem why you will not be a successful makeup artist in one line – “ Because you are not working hard and not working smart” trust me this is the biggest reason for anyone not to excel in any field and just not makeup artistry.

However let us take a look at the elements which will make you successful provided you work really hard for it.

5 Ways to become successful makeup artist in India

1. Makeup Skill

Well this comes first because this is a top reason not to succeed as a professional makeup artist. I know many of you will even skip this article to watch your favorite Netflix show because you don’t have the patience to stay at your problem and deal with it. As a makeup expert I am going to be harsh here!

The number one mistake that most of us do is trying find a makeup academy which charges the lowest fees. They do not even bother who is going to teach them, who will be the mentor. They joined just because the fees was lowest. As a result you got your beginning all wrong. When your basics are weak you will never be able to attain the perfection this makeup industry requires. There are thousands like you in the market why would a client choose you?

Few choose an academy just because it is very near to the place so that they don’t have to travel. This is absolutely bizarre reason to make a career of a professional makeup artist.

As a makeup artist you will have to travel and if you cannot travel to learn the best skills that shows your commitment towards the career.

Our recommendation

Learning the best makeup from the best mentor has to be the priority, even if it means going to another town and learning this skill.

One would say professional makeup academy fees is very high and I cannot afford it. You are right the fees is high but it has to be taken as a business investment.

Save money and join later but when you join make sure you join a reputed makeup artist schools with credentials.

Being a makeup artist is not easy and not convenient, It takes lot hard work and commitment to be on top.

2. Communication & Awareness

I have seen so many amazing makeup artists with unfortunately bad communication skills and awareness of the market. Despite of having great skills they struggle to succeed because they are not able to convert the leads , They freeze under pressure and are unware of the fashion trends, demography, cultures and age group differentiation.

It is critical to have customer centric communication skills where customer feels assured that they will hire a matured professional makeup artist who would be able to deal with any situation.

Ok let me be clear I am just not talking about English as a language but any local language you speak has to be spoken with confidence and respect. Your negotiation skills would get better when you feel confident else you will end up giving discounts after discounts.

English is a common language which is understood everywhere and it will be an added advantage if you speak and understand this language.

Our Recommendation

Like we do in our academy, Prepare students to speak with the clients with customer service in mind. You can practice at home, read newspaper out loud, Join a crash course, Watch YouTube videos on effective communication. Do whatever it takes but improve your confidence with communication.

Also improve your awareness with latest trends in fashion and makeup industry, Checkout famous makeup artist social media and observe the amount of hard work and creativity they are putting in.

Self-motivate yourself to create a fine piece of art, Do not copy from someone else’s creation.

3. Personality

A professional makeup artist primary job is to make your client look beautiful or presentable. However how would a client feel if they see you unkempt and non-presentable?

It is very important to keep yourself and your personality approachable, presentable and hygienic.

Wear your makeup nicely for the world to see. Choose your dresses carefully, Wear it for the occasion. I have seen few makeup artist who do not like to do makeup on themselves!!!!

This is not acceptable and will not work. If you don’t like it on yourself then clearly you are not passionate about makeup. When you are not passionate you cannot succeed.

4. Education

Education creates wisdom and maturity and will never hurt you. With the changing demands and expectation from the customer everyone wants to have a great experience. Education plays a major role into the world of makeup artistry. Professional Makeup artists have to be at least graduates to deal with the clients and succeed. If not you are most likely to end up in a salon with an average salary.

If you want to enter a corporate fashion world they will demand minimum graduation, If you are freelancer then you would need to be educated and matured enough to run your business.

Our recommendation:

You love makeup? Great! But that doesn’t mean you skip your studies. Please finish your graduation before you plunge into this world. Believe me it will take you far. Education will ensure you become a successful in a longer run.

5. Technology

This is a world of technology where 90%of marketing happens through internet and more precisely social media like Instagram or Facebook.

You will have to become tech savvy, Understand how social media works, how to maintain a portfolio, how to increase its reach and how to market your work to maximum clients.

If you are technology illiterate there is very little chance you will become successful. This is the reason why we have kept this module in our Professional Makeup artist certification course in our makeup academy.

You will have to even understand the liking of different age groups and develop a science how to target them.

Our recommendation

Practice makes you perfect. Research and experiment. Always upload quality photo and videos. The kind of photo you have is the kind of clients you will get always remember that. No matter what you need to play this game on internet and there is no running away.

This is why you must join the best makeup academy or makeup school and this is why charge more.


If you are already a makeup artist and struggling to be successful then you must start preparing again on the points I have mentioned above. Join master makeup classes, practice a lot. Burn your midnight oil.

If you are thinking of joining makeup artist course to start your career then be very careful which academy you will join. If you don’t have the money to pay the fees now doesn’t matter, save the money but join a good makeup academy so that you begin with bang.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Is it ok to join a makeup academy that charges the lowest fees?

A. The number one mistake that most of us do is trying to find a makeup academy that charges the lowest fees. We do not even bother who is going to teach them, who will be the mentor. They joined just because the fees were the lowest. As a result, you got your beginning all wrong. When your basics are weak you will never be able to attain the perfection this makeup industry requires.

Q. How important is communication and awareness in the makeup industry?

A. It is critical to have customer-centric communication skills where a customer feels assured that they will hire a matured professional makeup artist who would be able to deal with any situation.

Q. Does education matter to become a makeup artist?

A. If you want to enter a corporate fashion world they will demand minimum graduation, If you are a freelancer then you would need to be educated and matured enough to run your business.