Makeup-Artists reacts to new challenges due to Corona and lockdowns: Never say never!
We have been through 2020 and just when we realized things are getting better second wave is hitting us bad. Hate it or love it! The damn pandemic has changed us forever. The way business run, the way we have been growing our children, social structure everything is changing or may be has already changed.
Like any business, Beauty industry has been also hit and we went ahead and spoke to makeup artists who are majorly women and asked them questions about lockdowns and how they are staying motivated. To our surprise they are motivated and collected. Passing one day at a time with courage and precautions.

Makeup artists have to work very closely with their clients putting them at a greater health risk. However it is such sticky situation. You can’t stay at home because you need to run your family and you cannot take your chances because you love your family. This is a story for all of us who are required to work in field and do not have any option to work from home.
We as a make-up artist have been facing different challenges and have been quickly adapting to it. We spoke to many make-up artists in the community about their experiences and this is what few of them had to say –
Prateeksha says – I was asked for bridal makeup services during 2020 lockdown, when I visited the place (her apartment) to my surprise I found no one else except the bride. During the makeup, groom arrived with one of his friend.
By the time makeup got over we had bride and the groom along with one photographer (Groom’s friend) and pundit ji. They had turned on the laptop with zoom video call for relatives and friends to watch. That’s it! All was done in an hours’ time. I felt really sad that day! Oh yes I was in my PPE as I was scared as hell.
Munmun Says – I was attending this “big fat wedding” and so I was really excited because for 3 months I was jobless. I walked into this 5 star hotel and headed towards bride’s room. Did my makeup and then went down to check the location and setup. Wow, it was grand. Everything was carefully procured. However after sometime I realized that the place which could have easily taken a 1000 guests only had 30-35 people wearing ethnic. There was no one! My mind was twisting! Weddings cannot be like this right?
There are many stories which are bizarre and sad. Another challenge is that we have to keep getting our corona tests every 2 weeks as now most of the hotels are not allowing anyone inside without COVID negative certificate. Our families are always on toes and we have this fear what if I catch it and spread to my loved ones. We have to travel, come in close proximity with people. It is scary!

I have listed down few challenges that make-up artists are facing today
Challenges faced by make-up artists
- Weddings and event getting postponed/cancelled throwing you out of budget
- Travel restrictions, Flights getting cancelled
- Massive investment in sanitization
- Client asking for more discount sighting pandemic
- Lesser number of leads
- Major health risk in every wedding
- Makeup products not in stock due to worldwide pandemic
- Extremely difficult to work with masks, gloves and PPE (We literally suffocate)
I don’t have a solution to give you because these are uncontrollable factors which we cannot change, however what can I say is this –
Steps to tackle these challenges
- Work on self-motivation, We are all into this together
- If you don’t have work , then utilize the time creating some great content
- Practice, Makeup is an artistry which can never be perfect. Keep creating!
- Stay with the community it will help to collaborate with others and earn some extra bucks
- Cut down your business costs as much as you can
- If you don’t have project at hand then start working for the next season
- Utilize social media to the fullest
These are not usual times, if you can earn a bread that can be more than enough rather looking for huge profits. Customers will ask for discounts, Place your charges accordingly. Be sensitive and take all possible precautions you can.
Please feel free to call if you need any sort of counselling
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it necessary for a makeup artist to keep doing corona tests?
We have to keep getting our corona tests every 2 weeks as now most of the hotels are not allowing anyone inside without COVID negative certificate.
u003cstrongu003eWhat are the challenges faced by make-up artists during corona lockdowns?u003c/strongu003e
1. Weddings and event getting postponed/canceled throwing you out of budgetu003cbru003e2. Travel restrictions, Flights getting canceledu003cbru003e3. Massive investment in sanitizationu003cbru003e4. Client asking for more discount sighting pandemicu003cbru003e5. Lesser number of leadsu003cbru003e6. Major health risk in every weddingu003cbru003e7. Makeup products not in stock due to worldwide pandemicu003cbru003e8. Extremely difficult to work with masks, gloves, and PPE (We literally suffocate)
How should makeup artists u003cstrongu003etackle the challengesu003c/strongu003e faced during corona lockdowns?
1. Work on self-motivation, We are all into this togetheru003cbru003e2. If you don’t have work , then utilize the time creating some great contentu003cbru003e3. Practice, Makeup is an artistry which can never be perfect. Keep creating!u003cbru003e4. Stay with the community it will help to collaborate with others and earn some extra bucksu003cbru003e5. Cut down your business costs as much as you canu003cbru003e6. If you don’t have project at hand then start working for the next seasonu003cbru003e7. Utilize social media to the fullest
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